.. _ckan_editor: ############################### Manage Groups and Organizations ############################### This section explains how to manage Organizations and Groups. Adding or Editing an Organization ================================= In order to add a new Organization in CKAN, by default you need to log into CKAN web interface as an **administrator**. You have to click on the 'Organizations' link on top of the page: .. figure:: /maint/img/org1.png :width: 600 :align: center 1 - In order to edit an existing Orgainzation you have to click on the Organization's link you want to modify: .. figure:: /maint/img/org2.png :width: 600 :align: center In order to add a new Organization you have to click on the 'Add Organization' button on top of the GUI section: .. figure:: /maint/img/org3.png :align: center We are going to edit an existing Organization (the same consideration can be did if you want to create a new Organization) 2 - Clicking on the Organization icon, a page containing a list of dataset of this organization will be shown. .. figure:: /maint/img/org4.png :width: 600 :align: center click on 'Manage' button in order to open the edit form for the selected organization. 3 - Into the Edit form you have the possibility enter some fields: * The title of the Organization * The description of the Organization * You can specify a direct URL of an existing image on the web o upload your own image to use as logo of the Organization * Some other extra fields are available if you need to speficy some additional information (key/valie pair) for the organization .. figure:: /maint/img/org5.png :width: 600 :align: center 4 - In order to localize your Organization contents (like title and description) in 'de' locale, scoll at the end of the page and simply change the language from the language selector drop-down: .. figure:: /maint/img/org6.png :width: 600 :align: center Then enter you localized title and description for 'de' language. .. figure:: /maint/img/org7.png :width: 600 :align: center .. note:: In this case if you don't have localized values in 'de' for this Organization, the latest edited values in the form for title and description fields will be shown. 5 - Finally click on the 'Update Organization' button placed on the bottom part of the form in order to save you Organization. Adding or Editing a Group ========================= In order to add a new Group in CKAN, you need to log into CKAN web interface as an administrator. You have to click on the 'Groups' link on top of the page: .. figure:: /maint/img/group1.png :width: 600 :align: center 1 - In order to edit an existing Group you have to click on the Group's link you want to modify: .. figure:: /maint/img/group2.png :width: 600 :align: center In order to add a new Group you have to click on the 'Add a Group' button on top of the GUI section: .. figure:: /maint/img/group3.png :align: center 2 - Clicking on the Group's icon, a page containing a list of dataset of this group will be shown. .. figure:: /maint/img/group4.png :width: 600 :align: center click on 'Manage' button in order to open the edit form for the selected group. 3 - Into the Edit form you have the possibility enter some fields: * The title of the Group * The description of the Group * You can specify a direct URL of an existing image on the web o upload your own image to use as logo of the Group * Some other extra fields are available if you need to speficy some additional information (key/valie pair) for the Group .. figure:: /maint/img/group5.png :width: 600 :align: center 4 - In order to localize your Group contents (like title and description) in 'de' locale, scoll at the end of the page and simply change the language from the language selector drop-down: .. figure:: /maint/img/group6.png :width: 600 :align: center Then enter you localized title and description for the 'de' language. .. figure:: /maint/img/group7.png :width: 600 :align: center .. note:: In this case if you don't have localized values in 'de' for this Group, the latest edited values in the form for title and description fields will be shown. 5 - Finally click on the 'Update Group' button placed on the bottom part of the form in order to save you Group.